20 July 2013

My Leopard Print Hat!

12 June 2013

♡Glamour photo set!♡

I did wear falsies here. They're so much fun!! They aren't something I am willing to do everyday again...yet. I'll probably  come around!( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


Ahhhh. I'll start crying if I keep going. English is safer. Www

Nighty night!!


11 June 2013

♡Beauty and Other Things♡

Hello there! ♥

Recently I have been *bum bum buuuum* working two jobs. As having one job scares the crap out of me, having two is very stressful for me. Whilst coping, I also need to look my best, of course. I wanted to share with you what two products I have started using that really help keep my look put-together! (=゜ω゜)ノ

♥Number one! Covergirl Outlast Stay Fabulous.♥
 This stuff is ちょうすごい!(so amazing!) It has foundation, primer, concealer, and stays matte. It also has SPF 20! I love it! It really does stick, though, so I have to make sure to use my make-up remover in conjunction with sudsing-up when I'm washing my face at the end of the night to avoid breakouts. But check out that coverage! It's pretty flawless!

♥Number two! L'Oreal Telescopic Mascara♥
あ、好きになったわ!(Ah, I'm in love!) This mascara means that I don't have to use falsies. Don't get me wrong, I love falsies. But I don't think that they looks really good on my eyes unless they are those more natural kinds, and then why would I bother wearing them at all anyway? This mascara can build up and not look chunky. My favourite method is to put it on, let it dry for a minute, and then add on some extra length with a second or third coat. You will get long, gorgeous lashes. I love 'em. It definitely gives off a dolly-esque vibe when you do the lower lashes. Squee!

I will be doing a post on hair soon here because I need to make a decision on my hair. It's just not very cute, sexy, or cool. It's nothing. Just blah. So, I'm on the search for a good haircut! Maybe something shorter? Σ(゜д゜|||)


09 May 2013


I'm so excited!!
Okay, so not super duper excited. I mean, they are 用事, after all. But it is the first day of no work and no school. Time for some time getting things done. 

Ian and I got the house all nice and prettified yesterday. It is always a lovely feeling to have the house feeling airy and light after a major cleaning. The cats seem to be pretty happy cat-campers, too.  Now for laundry!

Books sold back to school resulted in a whopping 87 bucks! Woot! That is money that I am very happy to see. Speaking of, Dad says for me to find a second job anyhow. Who knows if my current one will give me the hours I need or not. I need to act now to secure a job before all the other uni students get there first!! Hehe! 

Looks like I have my work cut out or me!

Wish me luck!!

08 May 2013

♥Hello Lovely People!♥

Time for a Change

Hello again Internet!
Today is a special day dear to my heart. I have turned in my last take-home final and finished my last exam which means it is-- officially-- SUMMER TIME~! ♬♪♬ 

It is also waiting time for miss Kat (that's me) to hear back for the results from Ritsumeikan University and the scholarships she applied to. I have been told that I am basically accepted, but you aren't really in until you're in. I need that piece of paper that says it. Or e-mail. I'm unsure which it will be. 

In terms of scholarships and grants, I applied to five different ones. I have since been rejected by two, a scholarship and a grant. Do not fret, I already had my miniature meltdown. Fiance talked me through it and all is okay. I figure that I will be very lucky and grateful to be given money to go abroad with by one scholarship or grant. ( o u o )

It is aaaaalso work work work time. I had this beautiful plan to get awesome hours and not only be able to pay for all my bills and rent but also save money for Japan. This plan has subsequently gone out the window. It looks like I will be getting a second job. My employer (of whom think I should not mention here for keeping-my-job purposes) has decided to cut hours across the board. Most everyone is struggling to keep good enough time on the clock. Oh well. 就職しお!(job searching!)

I plan on keeping this blog up for my study abroad, which may mean that earlier posts will disappear for continuity. I'll take pictures of pretty things and upload them for you all, though! I have four months to go before I leave so I will be using the blog in the mean time to post about daily life happenstance. ( o J o )v


02 February 2013

♥OH! It's Been a While!♥

♡Let Me Tell You Where I've Been!♡

I already told you that I'm applying for studying abroad in Japan, yes?
I believe so. Well, if I hadn't yet, you know now. 

Here I am now, in the present, all applied to go. What does it entail? In order to finish the application before the due date on the 13th this month, I finished: 
  1. My course planning draft ("list 12 different courses you want to take and their descriptions, please")
  2. My curriculum vitae (thank you to my big brother who helped me out with it), 
  3. My statement of purpose in JAPANESE (thank you to Rekochan for helping me make my 3rd grader sentences sound more like those of an adult)
  4. Sending them my official transcripts
  5. Paying them a $200 dollar application processing fee (*cries a little*)


But that's not all! (On top of regular homework) I'm also working on scholarships~!☆ミ

Regents, Japan Bridge, Boren, Gilman, not to mention finishing my fafsa~! All of them are due this month~! Ahahaha~~ It's so funny because it makes me so sad! Ha-ahaha~!

So now you know. I have been a lazy blogger due to life. And now I'm a ridiculous-looking cat, strung out on who knows what and rolling around on the floor. That's what I've become.


P.S. That is a picture of myself.

06 January 2013

♥I Found Out Why I'm Not Pretty♥


Who would have thought it! (Well, probably a lot of people have thought it.) My technique of applying my foundation, my eyelashes, and my eyeliner has been off for the shape of my eyes.

I have been applying eyeliner to the area of the lower eyelid towards the outer corners. But after looking at the inspiration I posted last night, namely this one,

I realised that I should try this approach for giving that emphasis on the middle of the eye, which can make your eyes look more...erhm.. endearing? Is that what I want to say? Hahaha! I want to say "doll-like", but the whole eye is supposed to be "dolly". Oh well. Moving on!

The second thing I realised I needed to do was to sort of twist my eyelashes before I put them on. I realised this by accidentally squishing the end half of on of my eyelashes whilst putting on makeup and had a lightbulb-over-head moment. 

It is exactly what I was trying to achieve. I don't even think I will need to double up my falsies. The effect here is that it makes my eyes look more rounded and my eyelashes more dynamic.

The lassst thing I discovered is that I desperately needed a good moisturizer (but was stubbornly waiting for money to be able to get my favourite), and really needed a new foundation. I really like Shiseido brand cosmetics but they are so expensive I just can't do it right now. I've had The Makeup Dual Balancing Foundation

 for a while and really liked it, but I thought I was just not applying it correctly. I think now it is just the makeup itself that doesn't work right for me. I use a primer, I exfoliate my skin, I was using  the Shiseido moisturizer. I finally started using a brush instead of fingers to apply it and that was when I realised the makeup just didn't work. It was always going to look chalky on my face.

Any tips you guys can give will be greatly appreciated!♡